Friday 28 April 2017



The Mummy 2017 cast: Brendan who?

Universal has managed to bag a major star to help refresh The Mummy in the form of Tom Cruise as Nick Morton, a character we know next to nothing about but who *might* be connected to the military in some way.
Annabelle Wallis (Peaky BlindersGrimsby) is a scientist type who oversees the transport of the titular mummy until something goes horribly wrong because what else were you expecting?
The mummy herself is Sofia Boutella (Star Trek BeyondKingsman: The Secret Service), while Jake Johnson (New GirlJurassic World) and Courtney B Vance (The People v OJ Simpson) will appear as more military men.

Seeing as we don't really know the details of its main character, it will probably come as little surprise that the rest of the plot is being kept under wraps (no pun intended) at the moment.
The mummy is Ahmanet, a long-dead princess who is disturbed from her resting place and - because what Mummy film would be complete without it - casts a curse over the modern world. The action will take place at least in part in London, a focal point of fictional curses thanks to the British Museum.
Although it turns out we only got a lady mummy because the original design looked too much like Apocalypse in the X-Men: Days of Future Past post-credits scene. So much for progress!
Cruise's Morton will actually die, or at least appear to die, early in the film. Director Alex Kurtzman apparently put that in to make us believe that our hero will be in genuine jeopardy, but unfortunately we've already seen him revive in a morgue afterwards. Nice try anyway.
He will also spend at least some of the movie screaming in abject terror.

Sofia Boutella has discussed the motivations of her character Princess Ahmanet in Universal’s reboot of The Mummy. Universal Pictures is in the process of developing a cinematic universe built on the classic monster movies of the early 20th Century, rebooting and linking the likes of Frankenstein and Dracula. Despite the excitement surrounding this prospect, Universal has suggested that these movies won’t be as closely connected as previously believed. Russel Crowe elaborated on this in a recent interview, pointing out that the success of these movies depends on creating a believable and scary world in individual installments.

Universal intends to do this through close attention to its villains, and Sofia Boutella believes that The Mummy has a unique and believable antagonist in the scorned Egyptian Princess Ahmanet.

Chasing Colors (feat. Noah Cyrus) Marshmello & Ookay

Chasing Co lors (feat. Noah Cyrus) Marshmello & O okay We're dreaming on and on, we're dreaming on and on We got the...