Sunday 16 April 2017


our dreamers a chance to get involved with their dreams with over 10,000 Dream Interpretations from A to Z and a live active dream forum . Our interactive dream forum has Thousands of dream members analyzing there dreams on a daily basis to find what is hidden deep in their subconscious mind.  Our vast amount of symbols in our Dream Dictionary gives  dreamers a chance to become more aware of there inner self and insight on what needs to be attended to. Analyzing dreams didn't just happened over night, dream symbols have been around as far back as 4000 B.C.E and keep changing as the world evolves.
Recently two famous dream theorists Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung have changed the way we analyze and study our dreams and because of it has had such an impact on the human mind.  They both developed the concepts of the extroverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. Both had a different approach on dream analysis but in today's time Jung's theories are considered more relevant.
Interesting Facts About Dreams
Did you know blind people dream.
We forget 90% of our dreams.
Everybody dreams.
Dreams prevent psychosis.
We only dream of what we know and what we see in life.
Not everyone dreams in colour; some dream in black and white
Babies do not dream about themselves until around the age of 3.
Can dreams predict the future?
What Are Dreams?
Our dreams are made up of a combination of thoughts, images, and emotions. The majority of our dreams are thought out during our REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage. The period of REM usually takes up close to a quarter of our sleep, or roughly around 120 minutes a night.  Most of the time when we get a full night's sleep we will participate in or around 3 to 5 laps of REM sleep, each getting gradually longer as the night progresses. Most people over the age of 10 start having up to 4 to 6 dreams per night and that we lose up to 90% of our dream in the first minute of waking up. Remembering your dreams can be very easy once you know the right steps, and at Dream Dictionary we will teach you to improve dream recall.
The best person to analyze the true meaning to your dream would be the dreamer. Our dream dictionary and forum will give you insight and help you dig up whats hidden behind the symbols you dream of and the rest is up to you. Interpreting dreams is not rocket science but takes time and practice like every other skill in life. Being open minded helps as well as keeping a dream journal to record all the symbol that appear in your dream.  If most dream symbols come across as metaphors then we must take the time and decode what it could possible mean to me.
Not all symbols can apply to all dreamers the same, lets use a snake for example might represent danger to one but good luck to another.  This will all depend on your current lifes situation and mood of the dreamer. Types of dreams and symbols analyzed below at our very active dream forum with Thousands of active members and will give you insight on how to analyze a dream properly. Below we will give you some insight on what to look out for when analyzing your dream.
House Dream Meaning
Giving Birth Interpretation
Nightmare Dream
Why We Should Remember Our Dreams
Understanding your dreams can gives you a different perspective on how to tackle lifes obstacles. These obstacles can be from deep within or external factors that you may have overlooked. Dreams have the ability to cut right to the chase by using metaphors within the symbols you chose to dream.  Could a recurring dream hold any significance? It's very possible that your recurring dream is happening due to an ongoing problem that you keep ignoring in your walking life.  You can access to vital information that is not readily available to you when you are awake and sometimes you will  be able to predict the future. You you gain increased knowledge, self-awareness and self-healing the more and more you practice dream recall.

Chasing Colors (feat. Noah Cyrus) Marshmello & Ookay

Chasing Co lors (feat. Noah Cyrus) Marshmello & O okay We're dreaming on and on, we're dreaming on and on We got the...